For Recommendations tailored for you, call
or email:
Karen Wolfe, MBBS, MA
Women's Wellness Speaker Bringing the Mind and Spirit Back into Medicine
Is your lifestyle killing you? – Eight simple steps to a truly healthy lifestyle
Lissa Rankin, MD
Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine
Putting the care back in healthcare one doctor and one patient at a time
LeAnn Thieman, CSP, CPAE
Chicken Soup Author, Nurse Retention Expert
Nurse recruitment and retention expert with answers for today's healthcare challenges
Dr. Romila Mushtaq, MD
Medicine Meets Mindfulness for Stress Management, Leadership & Innovation
Tired? Stressed? Find hope for health and happiness with proven techniques
Sandy Queen
Take a Walk on the Lighter Side of Life
Lighten up: maximizing health and well being through laughter
Megon McDonough
Musical Keynote Speaker
Humor, music, and stories captivate audiences as they are inspired by Megon
Winalee Zeeb
The Joy of Movement, Healing Power of Dolphins
Lighten up, relax, enjoy, and let's dance!
Linda Carroll, MS
Therapist, Author, Speaker on Relationships
Love Cycles: Mastering the five essential stages of love
Marci Shimoff
#1 New York Times Best-selling Author
Authority on success and happiness -- touching hearts and rekindling spirits
Deborah Kern, PhD
Innovative Women's Wellness Health Scientist
Daring women to live in harmony with the wisdom of their bodies
Dorothy Martin-Neville, PhD
Insightful, Inspiring Psychotherapist, Author, Speaker
Claim your health and come alive in ways you never dreamed possible
Pasha Hogan
Creative Cancer Recovery - Women's Wellness
Living from your heart and soul, uncover your purpose and passion
Jana Stanfield, CSP
Inspirational Humorist, Singer-songwriter
Up Your Frequency: Tune In, Tune Out, Tune Up!
Kris King
Inspiring Leader, Breast Cancer Survivor
Overcoming life's obstacles, finding joy and spreading it
Joan Borysenko, PhD
Mind-Body Healing Pioneer, Women's Wisdom
World-renowned expert and author on the mind/body connection
Karen Drucker
Women's Conference, Retreat and Cancer Conference Speaker
Music and message to heal, inspire and empower women
Lisa Mills
100% Clean Comedian and Funny Motivational Speaker
Feel validated, appreciated, and inspired while laughing yourself silly
Lynn Robinson
International Intuition Expert, Author, Speaker
Putting your intuition to work in business and in life
Lauren E. Miller
Breast Cancer Survivor, Stress Relief Solutions
Keeping your head while losing your hair: Releasing the stress around breast cancer
Sue Kirby
Witty and Perceptive Wise Women's Humorist
Celebrating the ordinary in life, especially for women and nurses
Genie James, M.M.SC.
Women's Health and Wellness Expert
Trailblazer in natural womens health, personalized medicine, and relationship-centered care
Deb Gauldin, RN
Hilarious Morale-Booster, for Nurses and Women's Well Being
Inspiring the overworked and unappreciated with humor, compassion and music
Lisa Smartt
The Smartt View: Life, Love and Cluttered Closets
Sharing laughter as a gift, and the sheer JOY of living
Victoria Moran
Entertaining, Inspiring Women's Wellness Author
Learn all about the feel-great, look-amazing, age-later lifestyle
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