For Recommendations tailored for you, call
or email:
Winalee Zeeb
The Joy of Movement, Healing Power of Dolphins
Lighten up, relax, enjoy, and let's dance!
Tara Rynders, RN, MFA, BSN, BA
Inciting Joy through Movement, Play, and the Arts
"The Dancing Nurse"
Tami Evans
Humorous Motivational Speaker
When the chick hits the fan: Leveraging levity for a lighter life
Dorothy Martin-Neville, PhD
Insightful, Inspiring Psychotherapist, Author, Speaker
Claim your health and come alive in ways you never dreamed possible
Holly Stiel
World Class Concierge Customer Service Expert
Spreading the culture of the Neon Signs of Service and the Spirit of Service
Pat Wynn Brown
"Hair Theater" Comedic Performer and Author
Almost anything in life can be explained, via the evolution of good and bad hair days.
Lois Barth
The Bette Midler of Women's Empowerment
Courage to SPARKLE: Creating a life that lights you up
Jo Lichten, PhD, RD, CSP
America's On-the-Go Health Guru
REBOOT – how to power up your energy, focus, and productivity
Nancy Witter
Women's Health Event Comedian
If laughter is the best medicine, Nancy Witter is your prescription for health
Deborah Kern, PhD
Innovative Women's Wellness Health Scientist
Daring women to live in harmony with the wisdom of their bodies
Kelli Jaecks, MA, RDH
Women’s Health Advocate, Breast Cancer Survivor and Self-Care Strategist
Self-care strategies to slay burn-out, and live your best life.
Pasha Hogan
Creative Cancer Recovery - Women's Wellness
Living from your heart and soul, uncover your purpose and passion
Karen Drucker
Women's Conference, Retreat and Cancer Conference Speaker
Music and message to heal, inspire and empower women
Laura Munson
Inspirational Speaker, New York Times Best-Selling Author
Season of Unlikely Happiness: Getting what you want by getting out of your own way
Dr. Romila Mushtaq, MD
Medicine Meets Mindfulness for Stress Management, Leadership & Innovation
Tired? Stressed? Find hope for health and happiness with proven techniques
Angela Buttimer, MS, RYT, CHC, LPC
Behavorial Psychology and Leadership Expert
Full Spectrum Wellness
Mayte Prida
Hispanic Breast Cancer Survivor Motivational Speaker
Speaking out -- Hispanic advocate for women and health issues
Marci Shimoff
#1 New York Times Best-selling Author
Authority on success and happiness -- touching hearts and rekindling spirits
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