For Recommendations tailored for you, call
or email:
Anne Barab
Motivational Humorist and Breast Cancer Survivor
The Sooner You Laugh the Faster You Heal
Eliz Greene
Women's Wellness, Stress and Heart Health Expert
Pay attention to your stress and protect your health
Sheri Prentiss, MD, MPH, CPS/A, CPE, FACPE, CSP®
Breast Cancer Survivor, Physician Speaker
Navigate your healthcare experience through transformative medicine
Lisa Mills
100% Clean Comedian and Funny Motivational Speaker
Feel validated, appreciated, and inspired while laughing yourself silly
Stacy Pederson
Clean Comedian and Inspirational Keynote Speaker
How to Be Happy When Your Life is a Mess
Zonya Foco, RD, CSP
Energetic & Fun, Health & Wellness Keynote Speaker
Get Your Healthy On! With America's Nutrition Leader - Eat REAL
Deborah Kern, PhD
Innovative Women's Wellness Health Scientist
Daring women to live in harmony with the wisdom of their bodies
Jo Lichten, PhD, RD, CSP
America's On-the-Go Health Guru
REBOOT – how to power up your energy, focus, and productivity
LeAnn Thieman, CSP, CPAE
Chicken Soup Author, Nurse Retention Expert
Nurse recruitment and retention expert with answers for today's healthcare challenges
Amy Dee, RN
Funny Motivational, Nurse - Your Power to Make A Difference
Everyday Heroes, Nurses: Remember Your Power to Make A Difference
Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE
Positively Speaking . . . A Very Funny Lady
Stay Positive. Work Smart. Make It Happen.
Kerri Pomarolli
Hollywood's Favorite Clean Comedian
The perfect blend of comedy, inspiration and message
Polly Pitchford
Motivational Speaker and Lifestyle Expert
Food, fitness and fun! Laughing your way to wellness!
Winalee Zeeb
The Joy of Movement, Healing Power of Dolphins
Lighten up, relax, enjoy, and let's dance!
Sandy Queen
Take a Walk on the Lighter Side of Life
Lighten up: maximizing health and well being through laughter
Karen Wolfe, MBBS, MA
Women's Wellness Speaker Bringing the Mind and Spirit Back into Medicine
Is your lifestyle killing you? – Eight simple steps to a truly healthy lifestyle
Patricia San Pedro
Surviving Cancer with a Smile
Positively Pat shares her personal journey through breast cancer with a positive attitude
Mary Ann Bauman, MD
The Mind-Body Connection - Powerful Medicine
Fight fatigue—six simple steps to maximize your energy
Diane Sieg, RN, CYT, CSP
Creating Resilient Healthcare Cultures
Restoring Joy, Meaning, and Connection for Nurses
Conor Cunneen
Motivational Speaker, Award-winning Humorist
Two-time cancer survivor shares the gift of GAB
Colette Carlson, MA, CSP, CPAE
Human Behavior Expert, Motivational Speaker
Transform relationships through the power of connected conversations
Denise Ryan, CSP
Motivational Speaker with Fire Power
Firing people up with infectious energy and enthusiasm
Thandi Montgomery
Breast Cancer Survivor Thriving Through Adversity
Helping Women Shift from Existing to Living
Kelly Swanson, CSP, CPAE
Outrageously Funny Motivational Speaker
Finding the balance between the life you envisioned, and the life you got
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