For Recommendations tailored for you, call
or email:
Suleika Jaouad
"Life Interrupted" Author, Cancer Survivor
Making the most of a life interrupted by cancer or any major change
Sherry Waldrip
Power of Friendship - Breast Cancer Survivor
When cancer steals the song in your heart, friendship and laughter will sing it back to you
Susan Sparks
Comedian, Breast Cancer Survivor and Minister
Hope, healing and humor with an overdose of cowboy boots and Harleys
Sandy Queen
Take a Walk on the Lighter Side of Life
Lighten up: maximizing health and well being through laughter
Wendy S. Harpham, MD
Healthy Survivorship for Cancer Patients
Helping others through the synergy of science and caring
Laura Munson
Inspirational Speaker, New York Times Best-Selling Author
Season of Unlikely Happiness: Getting what you want by getting out of your own way
Steven Masley, MD, FAHA, FAAFP, FACN, CNS
Physician Speaker Diet, Heart, and Brain Health
Learn how to achieve optimal health and wellness with lifestyle changes
Eleni Kelakos, CSP
Inspirational "Touch the Sky" programs
Celebrate and embrace your uniqueness
Leslie Mouton
Inspirational Breast Cancer Survivor Speaker
TV anchor shared her breast cancer journey publicly, inspires other survivors
Dr. Romila Mushtaq, MD
Medicine Meets Mindfulness for Stress Management, Leadership & Innovation
Tired? Stressed? Find hope for health and happiness with proven techniques
Heidi Kramer, RD, LDN
Nutrition Expert and Breast Cancer Survivor
Tastefully Inspired -- Find joy in the kitchen with Heidi's encouragement and guidance
Allison Massari
Burn Survivor Thriving Beyond Obstacles
Compassion heals the places that medicine cannot touch
Sally Baskey, CSP
Humorist and Motivational Speaker
Laughter my drug of choice -- the healing power of humor
Kim Dalzell, PhD, RD, NMD
Sharing Nature's Answer to Cancer
Spurring on dietary and lifestyle changes that cultivate whole new levels of healing and health
Rebecca Katz, MS
The Power of Yum!
Great taste and fabulous nutrition can sit at the same table
Martha Ramos Duffer, Psy.D.
Bi-Lingual Women's Wellness Expert
Thriving through wellness: Strategies to transform stress and access your joy!
Mayte Prida
Hispanic Breast Cancer Survivor Motivational Speaker
Speaking out -- Hispanic advocate for women and health issues
Patricia San Pedro
Surviving Cancer with a Smile
Positively Pat shares her personal journey through breast cancer with a positive attitude
Denise Medved
Fitness Expert -- Creator, Ageless Grace®
Living a life of grace, ease and comfort -- changing the model for aging
Thandi Montgomery
Breast Cancer Survivor Thriving Through Adversity
Helping Women Shift from Existing to Living
Deborah Kern, PhD
Innovative Women's Wellness Health Scientist
Daring women to live in harmony with the wisdom of their bodies
Deb Gauldin, RN
Hilarious Morale-Booster, for Nurses and Women's Well Being
Inspiring the overworked and unappreciated with humor, compassion and music
Karen Drucker
Women's Conference, Retreat and Cancer Conference Speaker
Music and message to heal, inspire and empower women
Kimberly Allison, MD
Breast Cancer Survivor, Physician Speaker
Speaking about breast cancer from both sides of the microscope
Kris King
Inspiring Leader, Breast Cancer Survivor
Overcoming life's obstacles, finding joy and spreading it
Dorothy Martin-Neville, PhD
Insightful, Inspiring Psychotherapist, Author, Speaker
Claim your health and come alive in ways you never dreamed possible
Lauren E. Miller
Breast Cancer Survivor, Stress Relief Solutions
Keeping your head while losing your hair: Releasing the stress around breast cancer
Sheri Prentiss, MD, MPH, CPS/A, CPE, FACPE, CSP®
Breast Cancer Survivor, Physician Speaker
Navigate your healthcare experience through transformative medicine
Hollye Jacobs, RN, MS, MSW
Women's Health and Wellness Expert
Author of the bestseller, The Silver Lining
Karen Wolfe, MBBS, MA
Women's Wellness Speaker Bringing the Mind and Spirit Back into Medicine
Is your lifestyle killing you? – Eight simple steps to a truly healthy lifestyle
Winalee Zeeb
The Joy of Movement, Healing Power of Dolphins
Lighten up, relax, enjoy, and let's dance!
Lissa Rankin, MD
Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine
Putting the care back in healthcare one doctor and one patient at a time
Heidi Marble
Breast Cancer Survivor, Waiting for Wings
SKIN TIGHT GENES -- A BRCA gene story, presented by sisters Heidi and Jen
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