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Obesity Tops Headlines

December 18, 2003 Vol. 1 Issue 2

Since the last (my first!) issue of FOR YOUR WELL BEING, I’ve put up the Christmas tree and celebrated a birthday, both occasions for reflection, as each Christmas ornament brings back memories and each birthday these days puts a spotlight on the things I don’t want to look at (eyelids and chin/neck, among other things!).

One of my birthday presents from my “honey” was a little guidebook, Best Easy Day Hikes at Mount St. Helens, and my immediate response was, hey, great, “EASY Hikes,” I like that. Hmmmmm. Then there was the card (not from him, thank God!) with the picture of a gray cat on the front. Inside, it said, “Gray hair isn’t so bad, it’s the weight gain and the whiskers that are annoying!” Uh-oh!

Then again, I wouldn’t be anywhere other than where I am right now, as Jana Stanfield’s song, HERE AND NOW, on her newest CD affirms. Life is a journey. Let’s go hiking!



Supersized in Life, Oversized in Death

My friend Maureen in Missouri who is in medical sales, sent me this gem of a headline from The Wall Street Journal, last week: “MERCK ANNOUNCED THAT IT HAS DRUGS FOR ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND OBESITY IN MIDSIZE HUMAN TRIALS, IN A BID TO ALLAY FEARS ABOUT ITS RESEARCH.” We wondered how effective doing obesity trials on midsize humans could be? (Smiley face!) Of course, it was the trials that were midsize, not the humans!

Speaking of obesity, according to my collection of clippings, obesity headlines were predominant this year and targeted a wide span of health and social concerns. This one caught my attention: SUPERSIZED IN LIFE MEANS AN OVERSIZED COFFIN IN DEATH. Never thought about that before. There’s actually a company in Indiana called Goliath Casket, that specializes in oversized coffins, and their sales have been increasing around 20 percent annually. They say they are simply responding to the supersizing of America. No marketing needed, that’s the truth. As I listen to concerned leaders around the country, it sounds like every state is claiming the worst obesity problem (hardly something to affirm bragging rights to!).

One of the biggest concerns is childhood obesity and skyrocketing diabetes rates. I hear about it in the news weekly here in Oregon. The good news is that schools, communities, health associations and organizations are taking action with attention and programs to change the tide. Zonya Foco, RD, is addressing the issue in her program, “The Top Four Nutrition Problems Facing Our Kids Today.”

Going beyond the food guide pyramid, Zonya really gets into it, explaining the critical factors affecting weight, health and behavior in our society today and how we each, as leaders, parents and concerned citizens can make a difference. For more info, email me at and I’ll send you a complete description. Just write “Top Four” in the Subject.


Booking speakers for conferences and special events all around the country, I have the opportunity to see clients using many different venues, from evening events to half day and full day formats, speaker series, health fairs — the whole nine yards. In upcoming issues, we’ll be looking at trends and changes, what’s working, what’s not, what’s hot. What questions would you like answered? Please write to me and let me know any specific areas of interest.

COMING ATTRACTIONS: Successful Sunday Women’s Event Streamlining Registration


Last week’s telegathering with Dr. Christiane Northrup, hosted by Dr. Deborah Kern and Lake Austin Spa, totally re-confirmed for me the reasons I am so committed to spreading the word about health and lifestyle choices we can all make to prevent dis-ease and claim our inherent well being.

Dr. Northrup was especially adamant about our bodies’ wisdom and how it communicates with us to bring attention to and help us heal emotional and life issues. Body wisdom is also a cherished topic of Dr. Kern’s. I’ve personally had an incredible healing experience with her Phoenix Rising Yoga technique. If you missed the session and you’re interested in hearing it, Lake Austin Spa will be posting the audio file on their website soon.


Here’s some helpful holiday stress relief advice from Mary Marcdante, author, speaker, coach and stress management expert.

When you start to feel overwhelmed this holiday season, count off on your right hand, the five most important things you need to do that day. Memorize them. When someone asks you to do something that isn’t one of your five right-finger choices, the answer is one of the five fingers on your left hand:

1) No thank you

2) Delegate

3) Do the least amount you can with no guilt

4) Share your list of five and ask the person what they would do in your shoes

5) Let it go and remember that every time you say no to something that is off purpose for you, your choice gives someone else who may want to do the project or task the opportunity to say yes.

Mary’s newest book is Living with Enthusiasm: How the 21-Day Smile Diet Can Change Your Life. (Now there’s a diet worth starting for the new year!) Her programs and resources help people stay inspired, enthusiastic, and healthy. She’s also a Certified Laugh Leader and I know for a fact, she can make you laugh just by thinking about it!



When I clipped the following, I didn’t record the source, so I am giving virtual attribution to the author. It struck me as something worth sharing this holiday season, when it is so easy to get caught up in “doing.”

“At Christmastime, we talk and think about giving. The ultimate gift is not presents but your presence. When you come to an occasion with a loving heart, you have come for giving love. The ultimate gift that you can give, the gift that will last forever, is love! Give love this Christmastime.”

This took on new meaning yesterday when I heard from my friend Barbara who was traveling to be with her dying sister. She said she hadn’t mailed my birthday gift or done any Christmas shopping yet. Thinking of the above, I understood the true meaning of giving one’s presence and putting presents into perspective.

Until next time, be good to yourself, for your well being and those you love.




My vision for The Speak Well Being Group is to be a connector for selected speakers I know, love and believe in, with the audiences who will be inspired, motivated, and hopefully, transformed by their perspectives, knowledge, empathy, compassion, information and, most importantly, capacity to enjoy the process, laughing at themselves and with you as we travel this journey of life. You’ll find many of our speakers on our website. Or please call anytime and let us assist you. 503-699-5031

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