For Recommendations tailored for you, call
or email:
Tara Rynders, RN, MFA, BSN, BA
Inciting Joy through Movement, Play, and the Arts
"The Dancing Nurse"
Tanya Abreu
Women's Healthcare Evangelist, Hospital Stategist, Healthcare Futurist, and Nursing Profession Advocate
Innovation and the woman’s perspective on the business of health
Dr. Romila Mushtaq, MD
Medicine Meets Mindfulness for Stress Management, Leadership & Innovation
Tired? Stressed? Find hope for health and happiness with proven techniques
Karen McCullough, CSP
Motivational Speaker Sparking a Positive Change in You
Makes you think, makes you laugh, and sparks a positive change in YOU
Lauren E. Miller
Breast Cancer Survivor, Stress Relief Solutions
Keeping your head while losing your hair: Releasing the stress around breast cancer