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Coming Attractions

December 16, 2004, Vol. II Issue 26

As so many of you will be away from your offices between the holidays, we’re making this the last issue of the year and will resume publication in January. We’re about less stress, not more, so that’s the least we can do to contribute to ease in your lives.

I don’t know who wrote this, but it makes me laugh so I wanted to share it in the spirit of women’s wisdom. Of all the things in the world that we get as coping skills, I believe a sense of humor is the ultimate survival tool.

Asked directions,
Arrived on time,
Helped deliver the baby,
Cleaned the stable,
Made a casserole,
Brought practical gifts and
There would be Peace on Earth.

I trust your holidays will be filled with blessings, joy and gratitude, and that you’ll find the presence to be in the present as you enjoy the presents that come wrapped in so many guises.

Yours truly,

Coming Attractions

Wow! I asked my speakers about what’s coming up in 2005 and I was overjoyed with their responses. So I am sharing them. All of this, and we’ll be sharing many more of your event stories as well!

Jana Stanfield plays Carnegie Hall! It’s happening January 29, 2005, with Mike Rayburn. Win free tickets to this once-in-a-lifetime performance by registering at

Zonya Foco’s PBS Series. “Zonya’s Health Bites,” starts airing nationally in mid-April for 26 weeks. The thirty-minute shows are packed with Zonya’s advice for eating healthy despite hectic lifestyles, and they include cooking segments, as well as grocery shopping tips (filmed on location!), exercise ideas and lifestyle make-overs. I’ve seen the previews and this show is HOT!

Nancy Coey’s been invited to be a general session presenter at the National Speakers Association national convention in Atlanta next July. Her topic is, “Everyday Gifts: The Secret of Training Your Eyes.”

Elizabeth Somer is working on a new book, as well as continuing monthly TV appearances on AM NorthWest here in Portland, OR and regular appearances on The Today Show. Look for her articles in the January issues of SHAPE and FITNESS magazines.

Fern Carness has just released the third in her series of “Wise Women Speak” books. This one is called, Changes Along the Path, featuring twenty stories by twenty different women, many of whom are professional speakers. This volume includes Jana Stanfield,  Nancy Coey, and Sandy Queen to name a few. Previous authors include Winalee Zeeb, Dr. Karen Wolfe, Dr. Deborah Kern, Barbara Badolati, Britt Bensen Steele, Jennifer Hays, PhD, and of course, Fern!

Deb Gauldin will release two CD’s this spring. One will be songs and humor about the strength and beauty of women. The other will be for overextended and under-appreciated nurses. She is the new editor for the “Humor Connection,” a quarterly publication of the American Association for Therapeutic Humor. And, not to be accused of under- achieving, she is working on a book called The Wings We Deserve, a compilation of funny tips, stories and cartoons appreciating women.

Laura Derocher is offering a telecourse, beginning in early 2005. The class equips you to step into your Great Work: to do courageously what you’re meant to do in service to your spirit and the world. Sign up to be on the mail list for updates and registration at:

Nia’s book, The Nia Technique: The High-Powered Energizing Workout that Gives You a New Body and a New Life, by Debbie and Carlos Rosas debuts in January. Nia teachers around the country are planning demos at bookstores, malls, and studios everywhere. Watch for them!

COMING SOON, look forward to these stories in upcoming issues of FOR YOUR WELL BEING:

Holly Stiel’s concierge programs for healthcare that are bringing the concept of hospitality to hospitals.

Help with settling down and getting the sleep we deserve from Barbara Badolati and her new CD, “Sleep in Peace, Wake with Joy.”

“YogaPlay” from Winalee Zeeb, on video and DVD.

Rebecca Hulem, RN, RNP, The Menopause Expert, and her book, Feelin’ Hot? A Humorous, Informative and Truthful Look at Menopause, along with her new talk, “A Se*xy Woman’s Guide to Menopause.”

Coming soon, our new name “The Speak Well Being Group,” new look, new website, new faces. It’s taking longer than expected, but it will be worth it!

As for me, personally, the wedding date is set for August 5, 2005, in Millennium Plaza Park, Lake Oswego, OR. Dreams do come true! And thanks to one of our readers, I’m enjoying the convenience of things like invitation list management and budget tools, let alone dress expertise, on the website,

Women’s Health Focus of Major Art Exhibit for First Time

This sounds so good, I wish I lived in St. Louis. Well, not really, I love the Northwest, but I would love to hear from any of our readers in the St. Louis area who get to check this out.

For the first time ever, women’s health is the focus of a major art exhibit. In January, the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum at Washington University in St. Louis will present “Inside Out Loud: Women’s Health in Contemporary Art.”

What is so astounding about this is that, as many of you know, the concept of women’s health did not even surface and begin to develop until the early 1970’s. That’s about the time I was studying women’s issues in college and writing term papers about s*ex in advertising, my major. Oops, advertising was the major!

Seriously, it was the groundbreaking publication of Our Bodies, Ourselves, that brought the topic of women’s health to the surface. “Women’s Health” did not even appear as a subject in the Index Medicus, the massive, worldwide bibliographic listing of medical journal articles, until 1991.

While women’s bodies have been featured prominently in art history, erotically, abstractly, reverently, and as objects of beauty and adornment as well as adoration, this exhibit is not about bodies, it’s about women’s health. Instead of women’s bodies being about visual stimulation, “the female body in these artworks becomes a generating force that spurs artistic and conceptual innovations,” according to the article I found on the web.

“Inside Out Loud” features approximately 50 works of art in a variety of traditional and cutting-edge media by more than 30 internationally known artists and artists’ groups.

You can read more in depth about it at:

And To All A Good Night

My wish for the new year came in an insert in a birthday card I received last week from a fellow pet-loving friend, Maureen. The message read, “Dear Lord, please help me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.” Amen.

If you keep your sense of humor during all of the holiday rush, and remember the true meaning of the season, you will be well, and all those around you will be glad to be around you, too.

Until next time, be good to yourself, for your well being and those you love.

Yours truly,

My vision for The Speak Well Being Group is to be a connector for speakers I know, love and believe in, with the audiences who will be inspired, motivated, and transformed by their perspectives, knowledge, empathy, compassion, information and, most importantly, capacity to enjoy the process, laughing at themselves and with you along the way.

You’ll find many of our speakers on our website.


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