Sharing silver linings that our speakers have experienced in the virtual world in the last twelve months — chances taken, lessons learned, horizons broadened.
Sharing silver linings that our speakers have experienced in the virtual world in the last twelve months — chances taken, lessons learned, horizons broadened.
Sept. 11, 2014, Vol. 12, Issue 16 Have you ever wondered what you could offer your attendees to support your speaker’s message — possibly a follow-through program that would support behavior change and give you quantifiable results, as well as brand identity for your hospital, association, or company? Sure, you’ve sent your attendees home with… read more
Sept. 5, 2013, Vol. 11, Issue 18 For lots of people, September means back to school. For me, it means back to meeting season — all of the speakers booked months or even a year ago, will be heading for their appointed destinations. In each event, both the meeting planner and the speaker have spent… read more
Jan. 10, 2013, Vol. 11, Issue 1 Dear Friends, I don’t know about you, but my In-Box was so full of Seasons Greetings that I decided not to clutter up your In-Box with more of the same. We had lovely holidays with family and friends, and now that I have all of the decorations stashed,… read more
If you are an event planner, put our expertise to work for you to connect you with a fabulous motivational keynote speaker for your conference or special event. Contact us now by phone or email for immediate assistance. If you are a speaker seeking representation, please include your website address, and video links with your inquiry.