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Health in the Headlines = Job Security

Dear Friends,

I don’t know about you, but I’m fascinated, frustrated, sometimes frightened and at the same time, excited and stimulated by the headlines and the news about health. The messages tell me that those of us who care about good health have our jobs cut out for us and we won’t run out of work anytime soon!

I’m sending YOU this e-mail because you’ve booked a speaker through us, we’ve talked about one or more of my speakers, we’ve met at a conference, or belonged to organizations of mutual interest like NAWH or NWI and/or we’re friends. That means we have mutual interests and passions!

The plan is to connect with you every other week, to support you with relevant, timely information, share your stories as event and meeting planners so we can learn from each other, let you know the latest trends and headline topics, and keep you up-to-date on speaker news and topics.

I’m especially looking forward to sharing news about your events and discovering answers to the perplexing questions faced by meeting planners everywhere, like how to satisfy everyone’s food tastes and, egads, the temperature of the room (if we can solve that one, we can all retire!).

I also want to share fun things that make life better for you and yours. Like at the end of this e-mail, a couple of my holiday favorites, from Zonya Foco’s cookbook, “Lickety-Split Meals for Health Conscious People on the Go,” that will put some tasty, healthy choices on your holiday dinner table.

That’s what’s to come. For the moment, here’s what’s up, and prompted me to write to you now, rather than later:


Dr. Deborah Kern & Dr. Christiane Northrup

Dr. Deborah Kern is hosting a Live Telegathering with Dr. Christiane Northrup. It’s free! It’s coming right up, this Wednesday, Dec. 10. She will be interviewing Dr. Northrup on some of the topics that will be covered at the Women’s Weekend in January at Lake Austin Spa. “My Mother, My Cells, How Our Mothers Affect Our Health,” “Health and
Beauty at Any Age,” and “HRT, What’s New, What’s True.” There will be a question and answer period as well.

Host Dr. Deborah Kern, with Guest Dr. Christiane Northrup
Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Time: 4:00 PM (EST)
Host: Dr. Deborah Kern / Lake Austin Spa
Details: Dial-in Number: 512-225-3165
Participant Access Code: 552140#

I hope you will join us for a stimulating conversation!

If you’d like more info about the Women’s Weekend with Dr. Christiane Northrup, Jan, 9-12, 2004 at Lake Austin Spa, check out this link:



Can’t wait to share the latest FAST FOOD headline. Just last week, the front page main story in my hometown newspaper was: “Drivers Shift to Eating on the Go, Busy lifestyles steer the trend of cars as cafeterias, worrying safety experts.”

In my opinion, the angle for this story should be “worrying HEALTH experts!” The article said that Americans eat 4.3 times a day and consume 19 percent of meals in their cars! The next day, in the FOODDAY section, buried among the Christmas cookie recipes, I spied “Fast-food salads and ‘healthy’ sandwiches pose problems.” No wonder the world is confused! If that was supposed to be an answer for the problem in the previous story, we have two serious problems, finding the answer
and the “answer” itself. (The article by a New York Times writer, was a good analysis of some fast food “healthy” alternatives, noting, among other things, that not-so-obvious high fat sauces and high sodium can de-rail good intentions).

Meantime, I know that Zonya Foco, RD, has been hard at work preparing one answer, a visor-sized guide to six of the most popular fast food outlets with her Fast Food Picks (It’s true . . . she eats at fast food places. Some of you have been through the drive-through with her!) Can’t wait to share more about that, as soon as it’s available.


Whether it’s listening to music that feeds our souls or discovering healthy “food finds,” I love to pass on good news and resources. It’s why I do what I do. For Jana Stanfield fans, or anyone who can identify with music we call, “psychotherapy you can dance to,” check out her new album, “LET THE CHANGE BEGIN” at
Sign up for the Caterpillar Society to get special Christmas deals, if  you’re not already a member. I recommend this highly, for your “coping skills” health. Do it! You will thank us.

HOLIDAY RECIPES from Zonya Foco’s
Lickety-Split Meals for Health Conscious People on the Go

Many of you have this time-saving cookbook. Mine is very well worn and splattered because it’s always out on the kitchen counter. I thought it would be timely to share a couple of recipes with you for healthy, holiday cooking, lickety-split!

BROCCOLI SALAD WITH DRIED CHERRIES, Pg. 176. This is a little high fat for a salad, but as Zonya says, “the price of the pecans and dried cherries will assure you make it on special occasions only.” This is true. It’s very colorful (Christmasey, no less, in red and green) and delicious! A favorite on my Christmas dinner table.

For the first time this past Thanksgiving, I tried SURPRISE PUMPKIN PIE, Pg. 197, and was delighted with the results. It’s a “surprise” because it makes its own crust. It’s fast to put together and beta-carotene rich, only 175 calories, 2 grams of fat per 1/8 slice. What a great alternative to offer our calorie-conscious guests!

If you don’t have the book and would like the recipes, just email me at with your request: Broccoli, Pumpkin or Both! I’ll email them back to you.

By the way, this cookbook makes a great Christmas gift. You can order it at


Did you make it this far? I’ve been wanting to do this for some time, so I finally just decided to jump in and do it. I hope you’ll stay with us for all the exciting things coming up in 2004! We appreciate you and your time. In the future, we’ll be publishing every other Thursday. Next issue, Dec. 18, 2003. If you do not wish to receive future issues, please follow the easy link to unsubscribe below. Thank you very much.
Until next time, be good to yourself, for your well being and those you love.

My vision for The Speak Well Being Group is to be a connector for selected speakers I know, love and believe in, with the audiences who will be inspired, motivated, maybe even, transformed by their perspectives, knowledge, empathy, compassion, information and, most importantly, capacity to enjoy the process, laughing at themselves and with you.

You’ll find many of our speakers on our website.
Or please call anytime and let us assist you.

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