To find a great health keynote speaker near you, browse our listings or — call Barbara at 503-699-5031 or email!
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Heidi Marble
Breast Cancer Survivor, Waiting for Wings
SKIN TIGHT GENES -- A BRCA gene story, presented by sisters Heidi and Jen
Mary Ann Bauman, MD
The Mind-Body Connection - Powerful Medicine
Fight fatigue—six simple steps to maximize your energy
Sue Kirby
Witty and Perceptive Wise Women's Humorist
Celebrating the ordinary in life, especially for women and nurses
Barbara Badolati
Be Alive and Well -- Wholistic Health and Wellness
From crazy to calm -- strategies anyone can use, anytime
Sherry Waldrip
Power of Friendship - Breast Cancer Survivor
When cancer steals the song in your heart, friendship and laughter will sing it back to you
Joe Piscatella
Healthy Heart Author, Lifestyle Expert
Make your health last as long as your life
Amy Barnes
Clean Comedian for Women's Night Out
Comedy connecting with women at all stages of life