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Winalee Zeeb



"You may be wondering why I have videos of the playful, heartfelt Winalee Zeeb, dancing and playing around (not speaking) on this site. There's an easy explanation -- we just don't have any video of her speaking in front of an audience, but I thought showing the Nia videos would show you her heart and soul, because that is huge and that is what you get when Winalee takes the stage. She's as out of the ordinary as her name, and everyone who meets her is touched by her presence. I can assure you that she is a treasure, and will entrance your audience with her truth." -- Barbara Christenson, Owner, The Speak Well Being Group

The Joy of Movement, Healing Power of Dolphins

Mind-body wellness speaker Winalee Zeeb thrives on sharing the joy of movement, along with innovative philosophies for creating balance and wellness. She has been a fitness teacher for over 20 years, always taking her classes beyond the body and into the mind, spirit and emotions.

Winalee will dance into your heart, give it a lift and a light, as in “lighten up, relax and enjoy” – life is for living. Her exuberance is deeply and honestly rooted in the depths of her own emotions, as she continuously lives life in the discovery lane.

Winalee is earning her PhD in life, as she incorporates her experiences and skills into her speaking, teaching, and facilitating. As a fitness teacher for over 20 years, she thrives on sharing the joy of movement, along with innovative philosophies for creating balance and wellness. Today that involves actively and eagerly teaching mind/body fitness on land and in the water. Through her business, Heartdance, she is fulfilling her dream of following her heart’s desire – using her teaching skills to create a variety of ways in which people can gather, share from the heart and heal.

When she and her husband Ron owned a scuba diving business, they traveled the world leading diving trips to exotic, as well as remote places. For Winalee these trips weren’t just about the diving (although she’d be the first to tell you she is such a water baby that it’s amazing she hasn’t grown fins!) Many unexpected gifts in these trips have come by being with the natives – observing, listening and feeling the pulse of other cultures, gaining from the lessons inherent in mindful interaction, and then there are her adventures with the dolphins, the teachers that are both a sacred connection and her inspiration.

If illumination, joy, beauty, fun and even a little mischief are on your agenda, let Winalee lead the way. When you come up for air, you’ll know you’ve been touched by a dolphin’s emissary.

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Lessons Learned from the Dolphins

Legends of dolphin magic abound. Do they really happen? Hear a 21st century scuba diver’s first person experiences – the pain, the joy and enlightenment that connection with these awesome creatures brought to her life. These rich experiences are accompanied by experiential exercises such as simple breathing techniques for letting go and centering. Experience community and connection awareness as the dolphins model it, along with sounding and chanting to empower you to take risks and speak your truth. This is dolphin energy at its best from a sea-worthy presenter who embodies lessons for living on the land, learned from the sea.


Unwrap the Present – The Gift You Give Yourself

Push, push, push. Pull, pulled, pulling. Is that the way you’re living your life? Winalee Zeeb invites you to explore and discover the life that awaits you – a life of dynamic ease where you’re living in balance, aware, tuning in, moving in ease with body, mind, spirit and emotions in harmony. Learn to move consciously with those things that bring you joy and move consciously away from those that don’t. This experience is filled with food for your soul, fuel for your journey and illumination to guide your way. The present is now – unwrap this gift.


Invitation to a Balanced Life

A balanced life awaits you. Are you willing to take a look? Winalee Zeeb invites you to become a witness, an observer exploring all realms of your being – body, mind, spirit and emotion. See your life in relationship with the earth and all of life, integrating and weaving your connection with the whole. Walk through five simple steps, rooted in heart knowing and age-old wisdom, that will lead you to a balanced life. As on any journey with Winalee, the experience is punctuated with tears of joy, laughter, music and dancing.



The Joy of Movement

Do you trust your body? Is exercise a “dirty” word in your vocabulary? Perhaps you’re participating in some exercise regimen that’s less than fulfilling. Would you like to make peace with your body and be able to listen to your soul? What if you could experience flow and serenity, peace and joy while getting the satisfaction of a good workout (only if that’s important to you). Winalee Zeeb is delighted to share the sheer joy of re-discovering your body and helping you know what it really wants. Seek pleasure and play rather than exercise and work.


Reclaiming the Heart

Do you feel as if your head is going in one direction and your heart is going in another? Perhaps your heart’s desire has lost its way altogether? Find your way back. In this playshop, a safe environment is created to celebrate healing through dance, song, spoken word and heart-inspired creativity. You’ll learn to move out of your head and into your heart and re-discover joy from within.


Relax, Refresh & Renew

Out with stress, strain and chaos. In with relaxation, refreshment and renewal. In this restorative playshop, Winalee Zeeb assists you in re-remembering and re-discovering the wealth of resources that are yours for the tapping every minute of every day. You’ll participate in simple exercises for relaxation, stress relief and centering. For home or workplace, these are tools that will help you put aside what’s going on around you and focus on the peace you’ll find within.


Guts & Grace

You’ve heard that opposites attract. Did you know opposites energize? Using the polarity of yin and yang, power and flow, we learn to find balance. The body tells the story flawlessly as we work with and through these energies – feeling them, playing with them, learning from them. The process is impeccable as the energies unfold. Learn to reconnect to your passion and vitality by listening to your body.


Dancing Your Dream

Have you lost sight of your dream? Perhaps life choices have taken you down other paths. Can the dream be awakened? This playshop is designed to bring focus and clarity to your dream – to re-discover it and provide encouragement for proceeding forward to achieve results. We will actively use music, movement and meditation to seed your dream and motivate you to move forward toward your goal.


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