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"Dr. Karen Wolfe is one of the friendliest speakers we have ever worked with! Not only did she give a fabulous seminar about heart health wellness but she interacted with our health fair participants prior to the seminar. They loved it! I have received only positive feedback about our event." -- Angela Maki, Providence Health & Services, Western Washington Region - Southwest
Women's Wellness Speaker Bringing the Mind and Spirit Back into Medicine
Dr. Karen Wolfe is a women’s wellness speaker on stress management, wellness, nutrition, and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine.
When you want the expertise of a medical doctor, as well as a keynote speaker who can take complex information and make it fresh, understandable and fun for consumers, Dr. Karen Wolfe relishes the assignment. She is also totally at home speaking to other healthcare professionals. She cares that her audiences get it, so her presentations often include demonstrations and participation that bring personal meaning to her audience members.
People relate instantly to her warmth, sincerity and sense of humor, as they open up to new ways of seeing and experiencing topics such as body wisdom, the relationship of stress and body fat, or the connection between matters of the heart and the heart muscle itself. Dr. Wolfe finds the mind-body-spirit connection compelling and has been a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine.
Dr. Karen is an Australian physician, entrepreneur, Healthy Lifestyle Coach, author and international speaker. She was born in Sydney Australia and graduated from Sydney University with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and completed a Master’s Degree in Psychology from National University in California.
Intially, she worked in Australia as a family physician. She spoke on many panels regarding healthcare reform and was selected to attend the Executive Management School with the Australian Government. She later spent eight years in the administration of national health care, wellness and senior programs in her role as the Medical Director of the Australian Government Health Service.
Dr. Karen moved to the United States in 1991 and began her wellness career in corporate wellness. She assisted companies and school districts in reducing healthcare costs by customizing wellness programs to improve the health and well being of employees. She later became certified as a Mindful Coach and went on to become the National Mindful Coaching Instructor. She is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and is a long-time faculty member of the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine. She is a Trustee of the National Wellness Institute and in 2007 was inducted into the Service and Leadership Circle as recognition of her contributions to the field of wellness. Her greatest professional passions are the areas of stress, preventative nutrition and life balance.
Dr. Karen is the author of seven books. Her newest is, Is Your Lifestyle Killing You? The 8 Simple Steps for Lasting Weight Loss and Optimal Health. Others are From Stress to Strength, Medicine from the Inside Out and Create the Body Your Soul Desires. She is an international speaker on stress management, wellness and nutrition. She has been a speaker for high profile groups such as Young Presidents’ Organization, Philippine International Physician Symposium, PIMCO, Allianz Global Investors and The National Association of Women Business Owners. Dr. Karen cares that her audience understand and apply the principles she teaches and her presentations often include demonstrations and participation that bring personal meaning to her audience members.
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