For Recommendations tailored for you, call
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Nancy Sharp
Motivational Keynote Speaker: Resilience in Action
Resilience: It's a Game-Changer
Marcy Brenner
Inspirational Speaker, Musician, Two-Time Breast Cancer Survivor and Advocate
Inspiring Breast Cancer Speaker Beat the Odds
Sheri Prentiss, MD, MPH, CPS/A, CPE, FACPE, CSP®
Breast Cancer Survivor, Physician Speaker
Navigate your healthcare experience through transformative medicine
Laura Munson
Inspirational Speaker, New York Times Best-Selling Author
Season of Unlikely Happiness: Getting what you want by getting out of your own way
Kelli Jaecks, MA, RDH
Women’s Health Advocate, Breast Cancer Survivor and Self-Care Strategist
Self-care strategies to slay burn-out, and live your best life.
Nancy Witter
Women's Health Event Comedian
If laughter is the best medicine, Nancy Witter is your prescription for health