For Recommendations tailored for you, call
or email:
Deb Gauldin, RN
Hilarious Morale-Booster, for Nurses and Women's Well Being
Inspiring the overworked and unappreciated with humor, compassion and music
Lisa Smartt
The Smartt View: Life, Love and Cluttered Closets
Sharing laughter as a gift, and the sheer JOY of living
LeAnn Thieman, CSP, CPAE
Chicken Soup Author, Nurse Retention Expert
Nurse recruitment and retention expert with answers for today's healthcare challenges
Frank King
Funny as a Heart Attack
Heart attack and mental health speaker -- Comedy as a vehicle for social change
Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE
Positively Speaking . . . A Very Funny Lady
Stay Positive. Work Smart. Make It Happen.
Kelli Jaecks, MA, RDH
Women’s Health Advocate, Breast Cancer Survivor and Self-Care Strategist
Self-care strategies to slay burn-out, and live your best life.
Jean Steel, MS
Upbeat Keynote Speaker and Trainer
Happy People Win; Resilient People Thrive
Karen McCullough, CSP
Motivational Speaker Sparking a Positive Change in You
Makes you think, makes you laugh, and sparks a positive change in YOU